Terms & Conditions

Ordering online

In the event that we are unable to provide the product or any substitute product, we will notify you as soon as possible and will refund your payment in full and no later than 30 days.

Chargebacks & disputes

If something is wrong, please tell us asap! If there’s a problem, please email flowers@funkandbloom.com and we will get it sorted quickly.

Unrecognised transaction

If you can see a payment on your card from us which you don’t recognise. Please contact your bank and block your card immediately.

Let us know by emailing flowers@funkandbloom.com and we will do everything we can to help. This will involve cancelling the order and helping your bank investigate.
It’s also worth checking with any friends or family who might of borrowed your card and forgotten to tell you. Or used autofill on a web browser.